To start, I must begin in love.
My name is Dekia Greene and I am a 20 something-year-old, entrepreneur, who would like to take you on a brief story of my becoming. Love has brought me through, over, and out. At a young age I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur… “yea right,” some might say but if you know about dassyg, then you know. I used to create uniquely crafted jewelry and sell my custom pieces to friends and family. At the time, not only was I writing receipts, but also lesson plans. I loved to be in charge, and lead people past the status quo. I strived to dismantle the idea that Blacks were illiterate or lazy. I designed and implemented my own tutoring service for my younger siblings and took the motive to school. I was called the “teacher’s pet,” the “know it all,” the “Black girl, that acted White,” but really it was instilled in me to help our people.